INTERLIS 2.3; !! 2012-02-20 ceis ModelMetadata/md5 is to short; changed to TEXT*32 !!@precursorVersion=2009-12-01 MODEL IliRepository09 (de) AT "" VERSION "2012-02-20" = DOMAIN AbsoluteLocation = URI; ModelName = TEXT; ModelVersion = TEXT; RelativeFilePath = TEXT; WebService = URI; WebSite = URI; STRUCTURE ModelName_ = value : MANDATORY ModelName; END ModelName_; STRUCTURE WebService_ = value : MANDATORY WebService; END WebService_; STRUCTURE WebSite_ = value : MANDATORY WebSite; END WebSite_; TOPIC RepositoryIndex = CLASS ModelMetadata = /** Name of model as it is in the ili-file e.g. "DM01AVCH24D" */ Name : MANDATORY IliRepository09.ModelName; SchemaLanguage : MANDATORY ( ili1, ili2_2, ili2_3 ); /** path of ili-file, as it is in the repository e.g. "av/ch/dm01/24/DM.01-AV-CH_LV03_24d_ili1.ili" */ File : MANDATORY IliRepository09.RelativeFilePath; /** Version of the model e.g. "DM01.24" */ Version : MANDATORY IliRepository09.ModelVersion; /** Comment about this version (surch as "Draft") */ VersionComment : TEXT*20; /** date of last publication of this version e.g. "2004-06-04". This should change even with the most minor editorial changes. */ publishingDate : FORMAT INTERLIS.XMLDate "1990-1-1" .. "2100-12-31"; /** Where the owner of a model publishes it. * Absolute URL of repository (e.g. "") or ili-file ("") */ Original : IliRepository09.AbsoluteLocation; /** union of IMPORT and TRANSLATION OF from models as it is in the ili-file, so that a tool can fetch all required files, before it requires to read/compile them. */ dependsOnModel : BAG {0..*} OF IliRepository09.ModelName_; /** Precursor version of this model e.g. "DM01.23" */ precursorVersion : IliRepository09.ModelVersion; /** Follow-up Name of this model e.g. "DM12AVCH" */ followupModel : BAG {0..*} OF IliRepository09.ModelName_; /** any known derived models. A derived model is one, that does not DEPENDS ON/IMPORT a base model, but otherwise/more weakly depends on a base model, e.g a publication model that depends on a model used for data production. */ derivedModel : BAG {0..*} OF IliRepository09.ModelName_; /** Title of model e.g. "Datenmodell Amtliche Vermessung" */ Title : TEXT*150; /** A short description of this model. */ shortDescription : MTEXT; /** Comma seperated list of terms associated with this model e.g. "DM01" */ Tags : TEXT; /** Who published this model e.g. "" */ Issuer : URI; /** Who should be adressed with technical questions e.g. "" */ technicalContact : URI; /** Reference to document or website with further information, for example UML diagrams, sample data, software etc. */ furtherInformation : URI; /** Reference to machine readable data with further information about the model */ furtherMetadata : URI; /** any known WMS that serve data according to this model */ knownWMS : BAG {0..*} OF IliRepository09.WebService_; /** any knwon WFS that serve data according to this model */ knownWFS : BAG {0..*} OF IliRepository09.WebService_; /** any known portal where a user could view or download data according to this model */ knownPortal : BAG {0..*} OF IliRepository09.WebSite_; /** true, if this model should be ignored during model-file look-up */ browseOnly : BOOLEAN; md5 : TEXT*32; UNIQUE Name, Version; END ModelMetadata; END RepositoryIndex; END IliRepository09.