INTERLIS 2.3; !! 2022-10-10 UNIQUE constraint in class DatasetMetadata corrected !!@precursorVersion = 2018-11-21 MODEL DatasetIdx16 (de) AT "" VERSION "2022-10-10" = DOMAIN LanguageCode_ISO639_1 = TEXT*2; AbsoluteLocation = URI; GlobalDataId = TEXT; LocalBasketId = TEXT; Code = URI; /** Any identification of a version, for example a name, number or date. */ DataVersion = TEXT; RelativeFilePath = TEXT; WebService = URI; WebSite = URI; STRUCTURE Code_ = value : MANDATORY Code; END Code_; STRUCTURE WebService_ = value : MANDATORY WebService; END WebService_; STRUCTURE WebSite_ = value : MANDATORY WebSite; END WebSite_; STRUCTURE File = path : MANDATORY RelativeFilePath; md5 : TEXT*32; END File; /** a link to dataset or a link to a basket. * If it is a link to a basket, this might be by the globalId of the basket or * by the combination of the datasetId and the localBasketId. */ STRUCTURE DataLink = basketId : GlobalDataId; datasetId : GlobalDataId; localBasketId : LocalBasketId; MANDATORY CONSTRAINT (DEFINED(basketId) AND NOT(DEFINED(localBasketId))) OR DEFINED(datasetId); END DataLink; STRUCTURE ModelLink = name : MANDATORY TEXT; !! Name or Namespace locationHint : URI; !! repo versionHint : TEXT; END ModelLink; STRUCTURE LocalisedText = Language: LanguageCode_ISO639_1; Text: MANDATORY TEXT; END LocalisedText; STRUCTURE LocalisedMText = Language: LanguageCode_ISO639_1; Text: MANDATORY MTEXT; END LocalisedMText; STRUCTURE MultilingualText = LocalisedText : BAG {1..*} OF LocalisedText; UNIQUE (LOCAL) LocalisedText:Language; END MultilingualText; STRUCTURE MultilingualMText = LocalisedText : BAG {1..*} OF LocalisedMText; UNIQUE (LOCAL) LocalisedText:Language; END MultilingualMText; STRUCTURE QualityResult = /** Validation result as a short summery. */ summary : MANDATORY MultilingualText; /** Validation result as a code. */ code : Code; /** Reference to document or website with validation result. */ information : WebSite; /** Reference to machine readable data with validation result. */ data : URI; END QualityResult; STRUCTURE DataFile = /** Mimetype of file format */ fileFormat : MANDATORY TEXT; /** path of data-file, as it is in the repository e.g. "BFE/91.1_TypeOfReactorCatalogue_12-09-10.xml". * More than one entry if it is split into multiple parts. */ file : LIST {1..*} OF DatasetIdx16.File; END DataFile; STRUCTURE BoundingBox = westlimit: MANDATORY -180.0000..180.0000; southlimit: MANDATORY -90.0000..90.0000; eastlimit: MANDATORY -180.0000..180.0000; northlimit: MANDATORY -90.0000..90.0000; END BoundingBox; STRUCTURE Metadata = /** Stable and unique Id of the basket/data e.g. "ch.bfe.kernkraftwerke.1". */ id : DatasetIdx16.GlobalDataId; /** Id of the data, as known by the owner of the data. */ originalId : TEXT; /** Version of the data; e.g. "2016-11-14" */ version : DatasetIdx16.DataVersion; /** Comment about this version (such as "Draft") */ versionComment : TEXT*20; /** Precursor version of this data e.g. "2015-10-18". * Must be in the same repository. */ precursorVersion : DatasetIdx16.DataVersion; /** Follow-up data of this data e.g. "ch.bfe.kernkraftwerke.1" * Might be in the different repository. */ followupData : BAG {0..*} OF DatasetIdx16.DataLink; /** any known derived data. * Might be in the different repository. */ derivedData : BAG {0..*} OF DatasetIdx16.DataLink; /** If this is derived (manually or autoamtically) data, the source of it. * Might be in the different repository. */ sourceData : BAG {0..*} OF DatasetIdx16.DataLink; /** machine readable model/schema of this data. Qualified TOPIC name * for INTERLIS baskets. */ model : DatasetIdx16.ModelLink; /** Reference system (CRS) of the data. * Undefined for data without geometry (e.g. catalogs) or data that include geometry in multiple CRS. */ epsgCode : TEXT; /** Code that identifies the area that this dataset (eventually) covers. */ geoScope : Code; /** Target level of detail as denmoniator of scale. (eg. 50000; the number below in 1:5000) */ resolutionScope : 1 .. 35000000; /** date of last publication of this version e.g. "2004-06-04". This should change even with the most minor editorial changes. */ publishingDate : FORMAT INTERLIS.XMLDate "1990-1-1" .. "2100-12-31"; /** date of last editing/change of this version e.g. "2004-06-04". This should change even with the most minor editorial changes. */ lastEditingDate : FORMAT INTERLIS.XMLDate "1990-1-1" .. "2100-12-31"; /** Where the owner of the data publishes it. * Absolute URL of repository (e.g. "") or data-file ("") */ original : DatasetIdx16.AbsoluteLocation; /** Restrictions (how to use/not use) on this data. */ restrictions : BAG {0..*} OF DatasetIdx16.Code_; /** results of quality checks. */ qualityResults : BAG {0..*} OF DatasetIdx16.QualityResult; /** Who owns this data e.g. "" */ owner : URI; /** bounding box of the actual available data. */ boundary : BoundingBox; END Metadata; TOPIC DataIndex = STRUCTURE BasketMetadata EXTENDS DatasetIdx16.Metadata = /** Id (transient or stable) of the basket, that is local (unique) to the dataset. */ localId : DatasetIdx16.LocalBasketId; MANDATORY CONSTRAINT DEFINED(id) OR DEFINED(localId); MANDATORY CONSTRAINT DEFINED(version); MANDATORY CONSTRAINT DEFINED(owner); END BasketMetadata; CLASS DatasetMetadata EXTENDS DatasetIdx16.Metadata = /** Title of data e.g. "Amtliche Vermessung" */ title : MultilingualText; /** A short description of this data. */ shortDescription : MultilingualMText; /** Comma seperated list of keywords/tags associated with this data e.g. "DM01" */ keywords : TEXT; /** List of category codes associated with this data. */ categories : LIST {0..*} OF Code_; /** Who manages/maintains this data e.g. "" */ servicer : URI; /** Who should be adressed with technical questions e.g. "" */ technicalContact : URI; /** Reference to document or website with further information, for example UML diagrams, software etc. */ furtherInformation : WebSite; /** Reference to machine readable data with further information about the data */ furtherMetadata : URI; /** any known WMS that serves this data */ knownWMS : BAG {0..*} OF DatasetIdx16.WebService_; /** any knwon WFS that serves this data */ knownWFS : BAG {0..*} OF DatasetIdx16.WebService_; /** any known ATOM service that serves this data */ atomWS : BAG {0..*} OF DatasetIdx16.WebService_; /** any known other type of WS that provides or processes this data */ furtherWS : BAG {0..*} OF DatasetIdx16.WebService_; /** any known portal where a user could view or download this data */ knownPortal : BAG {0..*} OF DatasetIdx16.WebSite_; /** the data (one entry per file-format) */ files : BAG {0..*} OF DatasetIdx16.DataFile; /** Basktes that togethere are this dataset. */ baskets : BAG {0..*} OF BasketMetadata; MANDATORY CONSTRAINT DEFINED(id); MANDATORY CONSTRAINT DEFINED(version); MANDATORY CONSTRAINT DEFINED(owner); UNIQUE id, version; UNIQUE (LOCAL) baskets: id, version; UNIQUE (LOCAL) baskets: localId; END DatasetMetadata; /** Metadata about this metadata. */ CLASS Metadata EXTENDS DatasetIdx16.Metadata = /** Who should be adressed with technical questions e.g. "" */ technicalContact : URI; MANDATORY CONSTRAINT DEFINED(id); MANDATORY CONSTRAINT DEFINED(version); MANDATORY CONSTRAINT DEFINED(owner); END Metadata; END DataIndex; END DatasetIdx16.